Public Service Medal Recipients - Cathie O'Neill and Leesa Croke
"I'd like to take this opportunity to acknowledge two Public Service Medal recipients from Bean, Cathie O'Neill and Leesa Croke."
Address to the House of Representatives, Statements By Members - Ms Leesa Croke, PSM; Ms Cathie O'Neill, PSM
Tuesday 14 February 2023
I'd like to take this opportunity to acknowledge two Public Service Medal recipients from Bean, Cathie O'Neill and Leesa Croke.
Cathie O'Neill provided outstanding public and private hospital coordination, resulting in a structured territory-wide clinical response to COVID-19. She demonstrated incredible leadership through coordinating the clinical services for patients requiring testing, vaccination and hospitalisation, along with significant support from non-government providers in the aged-care, disability-care and health services sectors. This included responding to COVID-19 outbreaks in a range of high-risk settings within the ACT, including public housing, disability service providers, aged-care facilities, private hospitals and the ACT's correctional facility.
Leesa Croke has made a significant contribution to public policy over the course of her career in the Commonwealth Public Service and the ACT Public Service. She led the ACT government's engagement with the Commonwealth and other jurisdictions, to ensure the ACT government continued to provide citizens with the highest levels of service. Her leadership ensured the ACT government was apprised of all issues related to COVID-19, not just the health response. Her collaborative and collegiate approach allowed emerging issues to be dealt with swiftly, before significant community impacts were felt.
Congratulations, Cathie and Leesa, on these awards. Thank you for your service to the community.