The Bean Electorate

The Division of Bean became an electorate for the first time at the 2019 federal general election.
Named after Charles Edwin Woodrow Bean, 1879–1968, Australia's official correspondent to the Australian Imperial Force in World War One, editor of the Official History of Australia in the War of 1914–1918 and primary advocate to establish the Australian War Memorial.
The Division of Bean covers an area in the south of the ACT consisting of the Districts of:
- Booth,
- Coree,
- Cotter River,
- Mount Clear,
- Paddys River,
- Rendezvous Creek,
- Stromlo,
- Tennent,
- Tuggeranong,
- part of Jerrabomberra,
- part of Molonglo Valley,
- part of Weston Creek, and
- part of Woden Valley
The Division of Bean also includes Norfolk Island.
You can find out more about Bean at the AEC's Division Profile.

Bean did much of his work at the Tuggeranong Homestead which is now host to many events and conferences in the Tuggeranong Valley.

Norfolk Island
The Division of Bean includes Norfolk Island which is located 1,412 kilometres directly east of mainland Australia's Evans Head, and about 900 kilometres from Lord Howe Island. At the 2016 Australian census, it had 1748 inhabitants living on a total area of about 35 km. Its capital is Kingston.
Native to the island, the evergreen Norfolk Island pine is a symbol of the island and is pictured on its flag. The pine is a key export for Norfolk Island, being a popular ornamental tree on mainland Australia (where two related species grow), and also worldwide.