Last week was recently Early Learning Matters Week, and to show our support for our local early childhood professionals, I visited the Communities@Work Greenway Child Care and Education Centre. I was there with Early Childhood Australia meeting the children, giving an interview to WIN News Canberra and discussing the importance of recognising and respecting the work of the teachers. Thanks to the team for the hospitality.
Thanks also to the education team, led by Heidi and Ellen, at Wonderschool Early Learning Centre in Conder (photo above) for hosting me for work experience, to celebrate Early Learning Matters Week. From the induction, flag raising, room leadership, questions at morning tea, the exploring play area, right through to lunch were excellent.
Great to see firsthand our brilliant and inspiring educators doing what they do best. It’s critical that we recognise the work they do with better support and remuneration–and they should be recognised as a priority workforce for vaccination.