2024-25 Volunteer Grants

2024-25 Volunteer Grants Main Image

Expressions of interest (EOI) for the 2024-25 Volunteer Grants are now open. EOI closes on 20 January 2025.

Grants of between $1,000 and $5,000 are available to help community organisations in Bean to support the efforts of their volunteers.

The Australian Government has made changes to the Volunteer Grants program for the first time since 2001, to better reflect the National Strategy for Volunteering 2023–2033, its vision for children and young people, and to support some key costs facing all volunteering organisations.

The previous entity eligibility requirements for community organisations applying for a grant remain the same, including not-for-profit status, organisation type and a minimum of 40 per cent of volunteers in the organisation, however the way grant funds can be used is now more targeted.

Community organisations will need to apply under one or more of the following categories to be eligible for funding in the 2024-25 Volunteer Grants round.

Category 1: Purchase communication or insurance items as listed below that will benefit any of the
community organisations’ volunteers:

  • Mobile phones, phone bills and radio communication devices
  • Computers, laptops, and tablets, where those items are primarily used for online communications and activity
  • Software, where the software is primarily used for or to facilitate online communications and activity (e.g. email or videoconferencing software)
  • Electronic audio and visual equipment, where the equipment is primarily used for or
    to facilitate online communications and activity (e.g. video-communication
  • Electronic payment devices where the device is primarily used for or to facilitate
    online communication and activity
  • Internet service fees incurred by the community organisation
  • Insurance premiums incurred by the community organisation

Category 2:

(A) Purchase items or services for the main purpose of supporting a community organisation’s volunteers from the following cohorts:

  • Children (under 18) as a means of supporting their development, or
  • Adults whose volunteering activities support children’s development and wellbeing

(B) Fund volunteer-run activities within the community organisation, for the main
purpose of supporting:

  • Children’s (under 18) development and wellbeing, or
  • Parents/carers to develop the skills necessary to ensure a child’s development

The grant process in two stages for organisations in Bean – Woden, Weston Creek, Molonglo, Tuggeranong, Tharwa and Norfolk Island:

A completed EOI form is submitted to the Office of David Smith MP by 20 January 2025.

Successful organisations – as assessed by a community panel – will be asked to make a full application to the Department of Social Services who will confirm the outcome of grant funding in June 2025.

Who is eligible?

To be eligible to apply for funding you will need to:

  • be a legal entity, or
  • be an unincorporated association that agrees to the primary contact on your application entering into an agreement on behalf of the Unincorporated Association.
  • have a minimum of 40 per cent of volunteers working for your organisation
  • be a not-for-profit organisation
  • have an Australian Business Number (ABN) or be willing to provide a Statement by Supplier Form (reason for not quoting an ABN). Please refer to the Australian Tax Office website for further information
  • have an account with an Australian financial institution in the name of the organisation applying.

To be eligible you must be one of the following entity types:

  • Indigenous Corporation
  • Company (incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth))
  • Corporate State or Territory Entity
  • Non-corporate State or Territory Entity
  • Non-corporate State or Territory Statutory Authority Cooperative
  • Incorporated Association
  • Statutory Entity and
  • Be willing and legally able to enter into a grant agreement with the Commonwealth (refer to section 10.1).

Who is not eligible?

  • an organisation, or your project partner is an organisation, included on the National Redress Scheme’s website on the list of ‘Institutions that have not joined or signified their intent to join the Scheme’ (www.nationalredress.gov.au).
  • An organisation, or your project partner is an organisation, included on the Workplace Gender Equality Agency website on the non-compliant organisations list.


  • Expression of interest (EOI) - Open now and will close COB Monday 20 January 2025
  • Successful EOI nominations notified and application process begins - 31 January 2025
  • Organisations nominated by their MP will be invited by the department to fill out an application form - February 2025.
  • Closing date of applications to Department - 12 March 2025
  • Notification of applicant outcomes - June 2025
  • Earliest activity start date - July 2025
  • Activity completion date - 30 September 2026


  1. Download the EOI Form
  2. Submit form to [email protected] by COB Monday 20 January 2025
  3. Ensure you have received confirmation of your EOI.

This grant program is administered by the Department of Social Services.

Please get in touch with my office if you want to discuss the program in more detail on 02 6293 1344 or at [email protected].